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Monday Morning Reset


This short and simple practice just might end up replacing your morning coffee...

Whether you've always struggled to get on your mat in the mornings, start a routine for a few days and then it inevitably drops off, or have an awesome morning routine already but would like to add my smiling face to it, I hope you'll consider joining me this Monday for the second session of my new class.  Starting and sticking to new habits is not always easy, and it helps to 1) have some support, and 2) not have to think about what you're supposed to do once you get on your mat. 

I designed this class to make it hard for your brain to say 'no' to it. It starts at a normal-human hour, not a yogi hour, it's only 30 minutes long, and is accessible for all fitness levels. All you have to do is click the link below and get on your mat.  (Don't have a mat?  Join anyway. I promise you don't need one.)  

While no class is perfect for every single person, I think everyone will benefit from this class in some way.  If you have any questions or are concerned about whether this class is appropriate for you, don't hesitate to reach out to me before or after class.